Thursday, September 11, 2014


Anyone can perform Agnihotra. Thousands have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, thoughts become clearer, general health improves. Agnihotra takes a number of specific organic materials:

Agnihotra Vessel:

The Pyramid: Pyr comes from Greek and means fire; mid means middle. The pyramid was thus originally a vessel for fire in the middle. In the case of the Agnihotra copper pyramid are in addition certain proportions: four sides (edges, corners) are supplemented by three stepped surfaces on each side. For the Agnihotra a copper pyramid is suggested. The size is 14.5 cm x 14.5 cm above 5.25 cm x 5.25 cm below and 6.5 cm high.
Vibratory effects of certain metals such as copper or gold, are also widely known. If specific substances are burned in a copper pyramid specific records mantras with exact time of sunrise/sunset, then it aids in manifestation.Copper is in the periodic system of the elements in the middle. In astrology / alchemy copper is associated with the planet Venus. The atom shows structural analogies to the pyramid shape, so that a (harmonic) resonance between macrocosmic and microcosmic structure exists. This resonance amplifies the effects of vibration during the fire ceremony. Finally, copper is as the essence of the mineral kingdom, which is the next, the plant kingdom, nourishes.

Components of the Plant Kingdom

The plants are from the sea and have taken millions of years to spread across the entire planet. You even have the composition of the atmosphere changed so that we humans can live here.
All offerings in Agnihotra have a strong medicinal property in the core.
For Agnihotra should only whole grains of rice if possible unpolished or brown whole grain rice can be used. Rice is a solar plant, being born in the water-fire. It unites these polarities in and after the Asian theory of Yin and Yang rice is completely balanced. The rice also represents the fruit quality, the essence of the plant kingdom.

Ingredients from the Animal Kingdom

Ghee or clarified butter: Agnihotra Ghee
Clarified butter (ghee) is used for detoxification; in the context of Ayurveda, Ghee is still used today for medicinal purposes. In the Vedic myth, that in the struggle between the polar powers of the gods and demons, the "milk sea" (the creation) would be whipped until its essence is worked out (Amrita).
The ghee which is sacrificed to the fire, purifies the atmosphere and creates a pleasant nutty fragrance.
According to the Vedas, ghee is the most important and most essential ingredient in the performance of Agnihotra.
Cow's milk is a mixture of 101 different substances. In the proteins of cow's milk are 19 amino acids in butter 11 fatty acids, 6 vitamins, 8 enzymes, 25 minerals, 2 sugar, phosphorus component 5, 14 nitrogen-containing substances, and much more.
First ethylene oxide, propylene oxide 2nd, 3rd formaldehyde, 4 Butapropiolactone:
When performing Agnihotra, 4 different gases or vapors develop. Immediately after the addition of ghee acetylene is produced, the energy of the intense heat which attracts the contaminated air in the immediate vicinity and purified. Agnihotra acts within 1.5 km and 12 km upwards. The scents which result from the combustion of ghee, have a capacity to solve mental tensions and diseases.

Agnihotra Cow Dung

For the Agnihotra fire of dried cow dung is used. Cow dung is a remedy in Vedic culture. In all ancient cultures cow dung is used to combat a variety of diseases, for example, in North and South America Indians, in Scandinavia, Asia, Africa. In books on European folk medicine, there are many references to cow dung as a cure.
Cow dung of a organically raised cow is best suited for Agnihotra. Cow dung contains menthol, ammonia, phenol, indole, formalin and specifically to eliminate the ability phatogene. In areas with rainy seasons where the cow dung can not quite dry, as an aid for the kindling of the fire and the following is used five Yagna wood types: Banyan Tree - Ficus Bengalnensis, Audumbara - Ficus Glometra, Palaash - Butea Prondosa, Peepal - Ficus religiosa and Bel - Aegle mamelos. Finger thickness of dry twigs of these woods are, burned along with the cow dung. Incidentally, old cow dung is used as a building material in India and remedies, because of its purifying and antibacterial effect and for disinfection.
How to prepare the Agnihotra Fire

The fire is prepared a few minutes before the Agnihotra time with cow dung, inside the pyramid container. Do not use lighters. Light it with a candle. The ghee and cow dung are arranged on the pyramid vase, that the air can circulate well and good combustion is possible. The fire should be fully lit at the time of Agnihotra.

Sing exactly at sunrise or sunset, the first mantra and then enter the first portion of rice into the fire after the word Swaha.
Then sing the second Mantra and add the second portion of rice into the fire after the word Swaha.

Try to spend time with each Agnihotra as long as possible by the fire, to receive peace, healing vibrations.
Empty your mind and stay calm. Breathe.
If mantras are performed in connection with Homa-fire, then the vibrations of the mantras are infused in the pyramid and ash. Therefore, the ash is still effective and is used as the basis for magical/medical applications. In the case of Agnihotra to seed syllables and mantras are particularly used. Mantras are original words in Sanskrit, which produce very specific vibrations for the benefit of the spirit and the atmosphere. Sanskrit is the mother language of all languages, but it is no one's mother tongue. All languages contain words from Sanskrit. However, not a single word of any language is in Sanskrit.

The Core Mantras of Agrihotra

At sunrise:

At sunset:

This fire comes into effect as Agnihotra, one of these mantras must be chanted or recited for matching time, otherwise the required integration and focus does not come efficiently out of the elements described. The offering of rice and ghee is critical each time after the word Swaha offered to the fire.

After the ceremony let it go out of its own accord and cool. Agnihotra performed for the exact time of sunrise -and- sunset, activates the pyramid, which attracts solar energy. The same happens in the evening, where the pyramid attracts the Lunar and other planetary energies.

Agnihotra is a process from the science of bioenergy, which was given by the Vedas. The word "Veda" means - literally translated - "knowledge" and is derived from the Sanskrit verb "vid" which means "know". The English word "wit" (mind, mental power) has the same root. The Vedas are the oldest word combinations that are known to man.

The Vedas describe Agnihotra as a process of disinfection. If it is performed regularly, Agnihotra gives both the atmosphere and the person carrying out healing powers. On all continents natural remedies from the Agnihotra ash are produced. This is the medical aspect of Homa Therapy.

Sunrise and sunset are the times for Agnihotra. You can find times in some calendars, or you can look online for information. The Agnihotra ash should be collected in an organic container. Agnihotra ash can use to make medicine for humans and animals or simply to fertilize plants.
In South America, the ash is also called miracle ash.
A large fire or more in the group enhances the healing effect and produces a large quantity healing ash.

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