Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Sword of Wisdom

Ever since sages handed on
the secret of the sword,
The true imperative has been upheld
Completely, truly adamant.

If someone asks me about it
Looking for its origin,
I say it is not ordinary iron.
This lump of iron
Comes from receptive stillness;
When you obtain it, it rises up.

The subtle function of spiritual work
Is truly hard to measure;
I now give an explanation for you.
In telling you about it,
I divulge the celestial mechanism.

Setting to work when one yang comes back,
First have the six yangs pump the furnace bellows;
Then the six yins work the tongs and hammer.
When the work of firing is complete,
it produces the sword;
When it is first done,
It flashes like lightening.

This precious sword fundamentally has no form;
The name is set up because it has spiritual effect.
Learning the Tao and practicing reality
Depend on this sword;
Without this sword,
the Tao cannot be achieved.
- Li Dao Chun, 13th century Taoist master, from The Sword of Wisdom from The Book of Balance and Harmony

1 comment:

  1. hi john,
    thanks for this inspiring post
    greetings from jakarta
    best regards,
