A curious incident. I was working, taking a break actually and recited the ken to zen mantra - and I looked at a bale of cardboard and saw - just like that - the word "ZEN" sticking out clearly. It was part of a box, and the end of a Chinese name I suspect - but it was one in a million for such an occurrence.
I cut it loose with a box cutter and trimmed it - put it in my pocket, and sadly and inexplicably I lost it somehow before the end of the day. I still am struck by the coincidence of thinking that at that moment and simultaneously seeing the word at random like that.
I wanted to bring it home. I feel stupid for losing it and not being more careful with it.
Might sound silly or foolish, but somehow it was meaningful..although I am not sure of the meaning.
In any case, the whole matter is worthy of lengthy contemplation.

Perhaps it was more a moment of satori - some commenters would call such a moment - kenshō which is a brief glimpse, while satori is considered to be a deeper spiritual experience. Kensho is insight, an understanding of reality as-it-is. I personally believe among other things now, more than before perhaps that the "ken to zen ichi desu" mantra formula is a potent one.
I cannot say I "invented" the phrase but I can say I have never seen it used as a mantra formula and given the incident today it would seem to contain some distinctive potencies.
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